緊急事態宣言下での公演実施につきまして、新型コロナウイルス感染症対策等をHP内で発表しておりましたが、(https://mb2020.info/archives/397 )急速な感染症拡大に伴い、以下の対策を追加で行うことに決定いたしました。皆様にはご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、ご理解とご協力を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。Due to the increase in the spread of the Corona Virus The Mahabharata is taking additional measures to provide a safer theater experience during the State of Emergency. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
English follows Japanese
■ 8月14日以前にチケットをご購入いただいたお客様で、チケットがお手元にある場合、座席間隔を設けるために席のご移動をお願いする場合がございます。
■ 8月21日(土)12:00開演「愛の章」、8月21日(土)18:00開演「嵐の章」、8月22日(日)12:00開演「愛の章」、8月22日(日)18:00開演「嵐の章」は、現時点で多くのお席が販売済みであり、座席間隔を設けることが難しくなっております。
ご希望の方は、間隔が確保できる席にご移動いただくことや、8月20日(金)18:00開演「愛の章」、8月23日(月)14:00開演「嵐の章」への日程の変更も可能ですので、実行委員会( hkbpyoyaku@gmail.com/03-3385-2066 )までご連絡ください。その場合、席種を変更させていただく場合がございますので、ご了承ください。差額の払い戻しについては対応させていただきます。
■ 新型コロナウイルス感染症が理由によりお越しいただけなくなった場合、ご希望の方にチケット料金の払い戻しを実施いたします。払い戻しをご希望の方は実行委員会( hkbpyoyaku@gmail.com/03-3385-2066 )までご連絡ください。
■ お越しいただけなくなった公演について、払い戻しを申し受ける代わりに寄付として承ることもご案内させていただいております。ご寄付いただける場合も、その旨を実行委員会(hkbpyoyaku@gmail.com/03-3385-2066)までご連絡ください。
■ ご寄付をいただきました皆様には、「完全版マハーバーラタ」公演の関連グッズ等、ささやかながらプレゼントをお送りできるように検討しております。
■ イープラスにてご購入いただいた方には別途ご連絡がありますので、イープラスからのメールをご確認ください。
[Spacing Between Seats]
- For tickets purchased after August 14, seating will be arranged for audience members to be seated one seat apart, for groups seating will be arranged to keep distance from other audience members.
- August 21 (Sat) 12:00 Chapter of Desire, August 21 (Sat) 18:00 Chapter of Tempest, August 22 (Sun) 12:00 Chapter of Desire, August 22 (Sun) 18:00 Chapter of Tempest – Some seating areas have already sold out and is difficult to keep seats apart.
- We are accepting requests to change seating areas or change your reservation to August 20 (Fri) 18:00 Chapter of Desire and August 23 (Mon) 14:00 Chapter of Tempest. For requests to change your reservation please email hkbpyoyaku@gmail.com or contact us at 03-3385-2066. If there is a price difference in your new seating we will refund the difference.
【Cancellations and Refunds】
- If you are unable to attend the performance due to effects of the Corona Virus and need to cancel your reservation, we will refund your ticket purchase. If you wish to receive a refund please contact the Mahabharata Executive Committee hkbpyoyaku@gmail.com or contact us at 03-3385-2066. Refund requests will be accepted from August 15 – September 15.
- If you need to cancel your reservation please consider supporting the production by donating your ticket purchase. If you would like to donate your ticket purchase please contact(hkbpyoyaku@gmail.com/03-3385-2066)The Mahabharata Chapter of Desire and Chapter of Tempest is the culmination of a 9 year project. The production was postponed last year and the costs of COVID19 are weighing heavily. The cast, crew and staff decided to run the production at this time because of the themes in Mahabharata telling us to look deeply at ourselves and society. Your support is greatly appreciated at this time.
- For those who have donated their ticket purchase, we would like to send you a small gift from The Mahabharata production.
- For those who have purchased on EPlus, you will receive an email from Eplus regarding your reservation.
The Following precautions will be taken to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus at the performance.
-All audience members are asked to follow the precautions stated below-
- Every seat is reserved seating. Seating is assigned following social distance guidelines.
- Contact information for audience members are registered upon reserving a ticket. Information will be saved for 2 weeks following the performances.
- All audience members are asked to wear a mask when entering the theater lobby and theater. Refusal to wear a mask may result in not being able to enter. Audience members are asked to sanitize hands upon entering the lobby and to wash hands whenever possible.
- Audience’s temperature will be taken upon entering the theater lobby and theater. If temperature is above 37.5 C it may result in not being able to enter.
- Audience members who do not feel well, if you have been in close contact with a Corona Virus patient we ask that you refrain from participating in this event. Please review refund policy for cancellations.
- There will be no meet and greet with the cast members and audience after the production. We will also not be accepting any flowers or gifts at the front of house desk for performers.
-Precautionary Measures at the Theater and through the Production Team-
• Daily temperature recording and health monitoring of performers and staff.
• Frequent hand washing and hand sanitizing for performers and staff members.
• Maintaining social distance within the theater, seats, and at the front of house lobby.
• Hand sanitizer will be placed at the entrance of the theater and within the theater.
• Sanitizing of seats, door knobs and banisters between performances.
• Ventilation of the theater during the performance and during intermission.
• Staff who will be in contact with audience members will be wearing mask, face shield and plastic gloves.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The Mahabharata Executive Committee